October 31st, 2024 @ 11:22 pm
i decided this year, instead of doing a tl;dr for each movie, i’d just give it a quick review and add the plot to the bottom of each one.
1. i know what you did last summer – i watched a few horror movies in september already, so i was in the mood to try some new (old) movies. i don’t think i’ve watched IKWYDLS since i was in high school or just out of high school, so i figured now would be a good year to revisit and maybe watch some more 90s horror, since i usually ignore the really commercial/teen ones.
i do like this movie, though i don’t think i need to watch it again for a long while. it’s got jump scares, sure… but it doesn’t really scare me. i do enjoy the soundtrack, however.
2. the void – i saw this featured on an instagram account i follow and figured “hey, lovecraft, why not?” AND, i’m a sucker for anything set in a hospital (my favorite horror movie is prob halloween 2 – 1981), so i watched it. the guys in the suits were also really freakin creepy looking, so i tuned in. i did like it, but i think it could have been better OR i think i need to rewatch it again to see things in a way i didn’t the first time. i loved the visuals and i loved the nods to halloween/john carpenter. i would watch this again.
3. the ward – creepy atmosphere, but kinda dumb. it was like girl interrupted meets a commercial dingleberry of a horror movie. it wasn’t scary enough for me.
4. death becomes her – this is a black comedy/(fantasy) movie. i grew up watching this movie and i haven’t watched it in over 25 years. it was pretty funny and the effects are great for the release year, but it didn’t hold up the way i remembered, while i don’t hate it. i don’t think i need to watch it again for a long while.
5. practical magic – this is one of my favorite movies and one of my comfort movies. i always watch it around this time of year. i don’t know if it can be considered a halloween movie, but i always do.
6. creepshow 2 – i typically watch body bags or creepshow 1 for my anthology watches, but i gave creepyshow 2 a viewing this year. it’s been a while. i recommend watching both 1 and 2 and will watch this again someday.
7. smile 2 – my sister and i went to see this in the movies this year. i liked it, but i didn’t love it as much as the first one. the first one sufficiently creeped me out and it was an instant DVD purchase after i watched it. i wish i saw that one in the movies. the second one was a slow burn and way more of a mental movie. there were a few good jump scenes and some creepy smiling scenes, but i def prefer the first to this one.
8. texas chainsaw massacre – i haven’t watched this in a long time. this was one of those movies i watched every year for a long time and i got a little tired of it. it’s a classic old horror movie and i love the effects. i think i only need to watch this once every few years to a decade and i’ll be happy. i love forgetting the details of movies and then finally going back to them. my biggest takeaway: omg WHY IS SHE STILL SCREAMING?!
9. the mist – this was a bit boring at first. in fact, the entire first hour, it was failing to keep my attention. once everyone started turning on each other and it started getting mental and emotional, i got into it. i didn’t love the setting and the monsters were a bit silly… i think i’m okay with never watching it again.
10. somewhere quiet – i’ve never been traumatized the way the main character in this story was, so i should try to curb my opinion of how she handles herself. i don’t know how i would handle myself coming out of that situation, but she was kiiiiiiiiiiind of annoying, for me. she was being a bit dramatic and dropping things because she was very daydreamy and was kind of nasty to everyone she came across. it has a good twist, but i still didn’t love it and probably won’t watch it again.
11. down – apparently this is an episode in a horror anthology called “into the dark” (this was more thriller to me than horror). i found in the horror section of hulu or tubi or something and thought it was a movie. anyway, it had a good twist and i want to check out the rest of “into the dark”, but i don’t know that i would go out of my way to ever watch this again.
12. pearl – oopsie, i didn’t realize this was a prequel and that there was a movie i was supposed to watch first (though pearl is a prequel, so i guess that works out for me). i loved the cinematography and appreciated the horror plot and its visuals (it’s very dark), but i found this movie suuuuuuuuper boring. i read about X and maxxxine and they sound intriguing, but pearl… meh.
i probably won’t watch this again, but if i do, it’s because i finally watched the other two within the X series.
13. eli – i watched this while i was a bit sleepy, so at first i wasn’t really connecting with it. once i started to realize exactly what was going on (with about 45 mins left in the movie), that’s when i started enjoying it. i don’t think i’ll watch it again, but it was a good casual horror movie.
14. don’t look away – after i finished this one, i went directly to the internet and a) i was very confused bc there was no wikipedia page for this movie and b) i couldn’t believe how many people disliked this movie in the reddit horror sub (this is EXACTLY why i don’t listen to people’s opinions when it comes time to movies and being subjective).
apparently, it was based on some horror short, but obviously expanded upon and altered.
i found this movie SUPER creepy. mainly bc i fucking hate mannequins — my favorite twilight zone episode features creepy ass mannequins and well, they’ve just never sat right with me. while the mannequin’s face was super goofy in the movie, overall he is creepy AF. you see him from distances, then he moves quickly and the lighting and cinematography is good. shit, if that was happening to me irl, i’d be scared as hell.
the acting was okayyy – i didn’t hate it as much as others. i did notice a lot of nods to the shining, which i appreciated.
i made two wallpapers for it here and here, where you can pick up on the atmosphere.
15. men – i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaated this movie. no wait, i hated the main character. no wait, the more i think about it, the more i know i’m wrong about why i hate her. dammit, it’s a vicious cycle.
before i watched this movie, i was told it had a layer of feminism to it. i really didn’t know how to apply it while i watched it, especially getting annoyed at the main character for being such a bonehead by leaving herself in that situation… but it reminds me of how women are blamed for wearing a lack of clothing and looking “slutty” and that’s why they get raped. rape isn’t about someone looking slutty/sexy, it’s about the rapist being in control. it could be an 80 year old helpless woman or a 20-something year old – that doesn’t matter. it shouldn’t happen no matter what the circumstances are — victims are NOT asking for it.
i got pissed bc this lady left herself in a creepy old house, in the countryside, ALONE. like, nobody theoretically should be bothering her (not that that’s how the world works), but that’s the point of the movie. i won’t ruin it by mentioning the ending, but with that knowledge, it’s a smart movie.
the characters aside from herself are creeeeeeeepy and weird and it did give me some anxiety here and there. i’m not sure i’d ever watch it again, but i get it.
16. flatliners – ngl, i quit after watching half of it bc i was so bored, which is odd bc i usually love schumacher movies. i don’t remember hating this years ago, not sure why it bored me so much.
17. the blob (88) – this movie was ridiculous, lol. i watched this to fill the queue here. i haven’t watched it since i was a kid, and i would be totally okay with never watching it again.
if you want to watching a goofy 80s horror where you don’t have to think, have i got the movie for you…!
18. carnival of souls – it’s been a hot min since i watched this. i never even heard of this movie until like 12 years ago, when my ex and i bought some horror movie DVD with like 5 black and white movies on it. it reminds me of a glorified twilight zone episode, and i love it. it’s super creepy. i love all of the scenes at the pavillion.
i’ll definitely watch this again and i’m a bit intrigued to watch the remake.
19. night of the living dead – i haven’t watched this in a while bc i used to watch it all the time. i kind of tired of it… but it was a nice double feature to carnival of souls and i adore black and white horror movies.
while the effects are super cheese, i love putting myself into the shoes of someone in the 60s and seeing a movie like that without being exposed to 983793798734 different movies of that nature. it was probably so creepy back then.
the anxiety of the people in the house always helps creep me out.
i still always hate the damn ending, but will definitely watch over and over again.
20. the faculty – man, i haven’t watched this in yeeeeeeeears. this is one of those gooooood 90s commercial/teen horror flicks. definitely up there with final destination and scream, for me.
i don’t know why i stopped watching this movie, but i’ll probably integrate it into my yearly october watches.
21. the legend of sleepy hollow (disney) – i was checking out disney+ for movies and thought to look for this movie. i watched both movies (the other movie isn’t horror-y — it’s about mr. toad stealing a car) and i haven’t seen them since i was a kid. i remember the headless horseman scaring the shit out of me, so i gave it a whirl. it was a fun watch… it isn’t too halloween-y until that scene, but man did the disney animators do excellent work STILL creeping me out and the background art is amazing. we were truly spoiled back then with how dark and talented disney was.
22. the exorcist – i just read the exorcist for the first time and i wanted to compare it to the movie. i haven’t watched the exorcist in YEARS. probably close to 20, if i’m being honest. i think i only saw it twice before, one being in the movie theater and one with my cousin marie. both times, i couldn’t sleep that night because i was worried i myself would open myself to possession or something (lmao). in all fairness, i was still a practicing catholic, sooooooo…
luckily for me, this time was easier. i didn’t freak out, i didn’t have an issue falling asleep nor did i have any nightmare. i think reading the book helped a bit, because that was WAY creepier visually than the movie (while it did do it justice). i’ll probably watch it again in another 10 years or so, but the book – i might read that again sooner. it was very good.
23. poltergeist III – remember when i was a kid, i thought it was the coolest thing ever that the building they lived in had stores in it. i didn’t know what the john hancock building was when i was little, lol.
i haven’t watched this in eons, but i remember thinking it was so visually creepy being in a high rise and with all of the mirrors and such, and it didn’t let me down. i appreciate how much of the movie was actually and physically done by the crew.
i can’t believe how negative the response was to this movie and that the critical response was so bad. rotten tomatoes has it at a 15% approval rating, lol (i hate that site and never listen to it anyway).
i’ll definitely watch it again.
24. x – after reading about x and maxxxine, i thought they both sounded right up my alley. i wasn’t sure if it was going to be another let down, but i actually loved this movie and maxxine a lot. good plots, i wasn’t bored, i loved the visuals and mia goth was fantastic in both movies.
i bought X on dvd as soon as i was done watching it. it was one of those.
25. maxxxine – see above.
the ending to this one was OKAYYYYYY, it could have been better… but i loved it.
26. urban legend – this movie was pure shite, and now i recall why i hated it and never watched it again.
the kills were cool but the movie was cheese ball and i hated the ending. it’s just not one of my favorite 90s horror flicks and i don’t think i’ll ever bother to watch it again unless a friend or fam throws it on.
27. sisters – i was just browsing through hbo max horror movies and found this one. margot kidder? sure thang!
the acting and atmosphere was very well, 70s… a little slow and low budget, but it had a good plot and i liked the ending. would i watch it again? probably not, but i think perhaps it would make a good remake, tbh.
28. candyman – this is another one i haven’t watched since i was a youngin… i thankfully didn’t remember it at all, and now i want to watch the remake to see if they improved or fucked it up. i probably wouldn’t watch this over and over again, but i will watch it again within the next decade.
29. all hallows’ eve – i’ve avoided terrifier bc i hate clowns… so i figured i’d try this one first, to see if i could make it through the others, lol. this is an anthology, not just one movie. there are 3 stories and the second one was kinda corny, but overall it was okay. i don’t think i need to ever watch this again.
30. terrifier – okay, this clown is pretty creepy… but not like tim curry’s pennywise creepy (unless he’s making stupid ass faces, which are absolutely creepy). i spent most of this movie being pissed off at the two main characters/victims vs being scared. i think i can get through all of these movies, tbh. still… fuck clowns.
31. dark night of the scarecrow – this is the second time i’m watching this and i still really like it, but i realized this time around that i wish it was done NOT for TV so that we could see some gore. i am not usually the movie remake person, but i would advocate for a darker, R rated, modern effects version of this movie. i haven’t watched the second one, so i’m not sure if it’s “better” in that regard. i’ll have to give that a go sometime this weekend. i was too busy at work today to watch any movies i wanted to concentrate on, so i’ll have myself a halloweekend.
i wouldn’t mind watching this every year or at least every other year.
past hallowatches:
my 2023 list of watched horror movies
some 2020 list of movies (not a full 31)